Hall of Fame

Currently Iowa Kings of War is locked in an ongoing struggle over two traveling trophies.

Many moons ago (roughly sometime in 2018) master artificer Russ Barns from Omaha descended into the bowls of his dungeon lair to begin crafting the most awkward edifice of all time… the dreaded CORNHOLE TROPHY!!!  This object is filled with such rarified, thrice filtered suggestiveness that no grown man, no matter how pious nor stoic, can look upon it without smirking.  The object has become the club version of the wooden spoon award, the award given to the looser.  It is the trophy that nobody wants, doomed to forever curse either Iowa or Nebraska when the two engage in their never ending feud to see who is the real master of the cornfield.  Currently the trophy is held by Nebraska (thank goodness).  Let us hope it stays on the other side of the boarder even after our next Iowa/Nebraska game day.

The Golden Pig is everything the Cornhole is not.  Instead of using it to shame your opponents after mercilessly crushing them, the Golden Pig is a majestic statue covered in resplendent metallic luster.  It symbolizes one team’s triumph and/or treachery.  It comes with bragging rights and a heavy wooden base that can be used as a bludgeoning device, should the situation call for it.  Sadly, the Golden Pig has never been held by the combined might of Iowa/Nebraska, having always been tucked away in deepest darkest Minnesota or carried aloft out of the Midwest by rampaging mercenaries.  Nevertheless, the people of the corn states look forward hopefully to the day when this little piggy will finally come home.